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InfoThe webzine l Astrofilo (the Amateur Astronomer) began life in Italy in 2008, as part of the initiatives promoted for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Within a few months, its circulation exclusively online and the fact that it is free, helped it to to attract a number of readers similar to the printed astronomy magazines.

In less than a year, the webzine was complemented by a web site rich in astronomical news and other material useful to the amateur astronomer. Despite the fact that our publications were in Italian, the interest shown by users from all over the world grew rapidly, and so after only two years from its launch we have decided to make English the first language of the webzine, and, above all, the web site. This will allow us to enhance the site in such a way as to make available virtually all of the material that we produce.

Quality, scientific rigour, free worldwide distribution, minimal costs and a small team of expert collaborators is the recipe for success of l Astrofilo.

The sponsors that join us in this adventure can count on low cost advertising space with an enormous visibility, exactly what is needed in a difficult market such as that of instrumentation for those passionate about astronomy.

In a period that is seeing the slow demise of printed magazines, our way of publishing astronomy is certainly more suited to the demands of the future.

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