Swansea Astronomical Society


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InfoSwansea Astronomical Society is the oldest astronomical society in Wales - established 13th February 1948.

The aim of the Society has always been "to further the knowledge of and to stimulate public interest in the science of Astronomy, also to promote and conduct research into problems related thereto" and this is as relevant to today's Society as it was in 1948.

The Society meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month, October through to May when speakers, from within or outside the Society, accept the Society's invite to talk on all matters astronomical. These meetings take place in the University of Wales, Swansea at Lecture Room 2 of Fulton House (at the head of the drive into the campus). See our Lectures page for details of forthcoming events.

The Society has achieved a recent prominence in the field of astrophotography with several members exploiting the relatively recent advances in C.C.D. imaging which has brought professional results within the grasp of the amateur astronomer.


We are lucky to possess a fine observatory is situated at the Fairwood playing fields of the University College of Swansea; which is equipped with a 12" Meade Schmidt Cassegrain catadioptric telescope.

Please note that the Society no longer has any involvement with the Marina Towers Observatory on Swansea Bay and anyone wanting information about it should contact the Corporate Property & Asset Management section of the City & County Swansea

Join us

The Swansea Astronomical Society currently has a membership of some 80 members. We are always happy to accept new members! If you are interested in joining the Society - contact our Membership Secretary on 01792 208384.

If you have any astronomical or administration queries - contact our Secretary on 01792 299311.

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