Info | Use your telescope or binoculars wisely and find the clearest nights. Even the darkest site is no good without Scope Nights - an essential weather app for planning observing sessions or star parties up to five nights ahead
Most weather apps don't focus on night time conditions, and so Scope Nights was developed to provide a quick and easy night time weather forecast for telescope & binocular owners. Accurate weather data is gathered direct from national weather sources and weather conditions essential to stargazing are analysed and rated to show which nights will have the best stargazing conditions.
Scope Nights currently provides weather for the United States and the United Kingdom using public domain data services. United Kingdom data contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License. Scope Nights currently provides stargazing weather forecasts, not astronomical seeing conditions caused by atmospheric turbulence or light pollution.
Scope Nights is an indispensable tool for astronomers and a welcome relief from sieving through conventional weather apps for clear skies. It's designed to be quick and easy to use whether at home or at an observing site, and more features will be added in future updates, so it's going to get even better. |