Info | We meet at the Cedar Centre in Castor at 7:30 pm on the first Thursday of each calendar month except July and August.
Visitors are welcome at any of our meetings on payment of a fee of �2.50 if there is a visiting speaker and �1.50 if not.
Meeting fees pay for the costs of hiring the Cedar Centre, and include a free cup of coffee or tea and biscuit on arrival. Subscribing members pay slightly lower meeting fees.
We are a small group with usually about 15 to 20 persons attending each meeting.
Three of our meetings between September 2007 and June 2008 will have a visiting lecturer.
I would like to have more visiting lecturers but we could not afford the cost of their fees and travel costs unless we increased greatly our membership and/or fees.
Meetings without visiting speakers are commonly 'observing nights' during the dark months when one or more members will give short talks or demonstrations before (weather permitting) we go outside to look at the sky.
I usually give a 'Sky at Night' talk and members often bring a variety of telescopes, ranging from electronic imaging systems, to portable computer-driven instruments, to big Dobsonians.
This can be very useful to would-be telescope owners as there is an opportunity to take a look through the various kinds of telescopes and talk to knowledgeable owners.
In recent months we have had outside speakers on meteorites and on the size of the universe, and member talks on telescope collimation and on eyepieces.
For our observing we are able to use the path outside the church which occupies a raised site with a good clear view over a quite wide southerly arc down almost to the horizon.
As you drive up the lane leading from Castor High Street to the church (which is floodlit and unmissable), park on the left hand side close by the stone wall. If this area is full you can park on the road opposite to the lane entrance.
The Cedar Centre is usually open soon after 7:00 pm and is on the left hand side of the path leading up to the church porch at the end of the lane. |