| Nichol Optical
NICHOL OPTICAL IS A SMALL BUSINESS DEDICATED TO MAKING HIGH PRECISION ASTRONOMICAL OPTICS | | | Info | Welcome. Nichol Optical is a small business dedicated to making high precision astronomical optics. All of my products have a surface accuracy of at least 1/8 lambda P-V and a Strehl ratio of at least .86 unless otherwise stated. Telescope primary mirrors are made from low-expansion borosilicate glass usually a material made by Schott with a trade name of Suprax. I have been making astronomical optics for in excess of 30 years and have supplied optics to customers in Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden as well as the UK.
To ensure my optics are of the highest quality a variety of tests are used. Together with the more traditional Foucault and Ronchi tests I also employ the Ross null test, the double pass autocollimation test and interferometric testing. Parabolic mirrors are normally finished using the double pass autocollimation test, a test that is well regarded and widely used by professional opticians the world over. A certificate of quality is produced for each mirror manufactured. Perhaps the best recommendation for any optic is confirmation of its performance in a telescope, I am pleased to say that I have received much feedback from customers who have been delighted with the performance of their optics. | | |
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