Monk Optics


ContactMonk Optics Ltd,
Wye Valley Observatory,
The Old School, Brockweir, Chepstow,
NP16 7NW

Telephone: 01291 689858
Fax: 01291 689834
PostcodeNP16 7NW
InfoMonk Optics are leading specialists in the optical market and have been for over 20 years, combining specialist knowledge with a dedicated service. We are a leading supplier of marine and stabilised binoculars, image intensifiers and specialist equipment, many of which are used by the RNLI, HM Coast-guards, HM Customs & Excise and the Police.

The company began in 1979, taking a mobile exhibition unit to sporting events around the country. From this direct contact with the customer in the environment in which they were intending to use the product, a tremendous amount of knowledge of both the customers's requirements and the binoculars suitability was quickly gained.

Opening Hours: 9am - 5pm

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Monk Optics - Specialists in the optical market - Chepstow

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