University of London Observatory


Contact553 Watford Way
Mill Hill Park
London NW7 2QS.
Telephone: +44 (0) 208 959 0421
PostcodeNW7 2QS
InfoThe University of London Observatory is a hands-on teaching observatory and is part of the Astrophysics Group at UCL's Department of Physics and Astronomy.

We are equipped with five permanently mounted telescopes, two computer classrooms and a specialist astronomy library. Our relatively close proximity to the main campus, and the provision of regular classes, ensures that students have good access to the telescopes. In addition to observing, students are expertly trained in data reduction, application of astrophysical theory, and computer-based astronomy. This can take place in the context of an undergraduate degree module, an evening class or a student project.

ULO remains active in scientific inquiry. We have recently observed and measured the transits of several extrasolar planets, and plan to extend our research programme with a large new professional robotic telescope, for which funding is currently underway.

We offer free tours to the public (booking required), and are actively engaged in outreach activities.

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